Bridgewater Garden Club, Inc
Membership Application
Membership Eligibility: We are a friendly group and welcome new members who want to actively participate in helping meet BGC’s objective which is “to promote interest in all aspects of gardening and to beautify, protect and preserve the environment.” Prior to applying for membership, interested adults are required to attend two monthly meetings( business and program) to further their understanding of the club’s projects, programs and member responsibilities. While most of our members live in Bridgewater, residency is not a requirement.
To maintain active membership in BGC, a member is required to:
- Pay yearly dues.
- Attend at least five monthly meetings a year.
- Serve as one of the hostesses for one monthly meeting
- Participate in BGC's annual fundraiser
- Serve on at least one committee or as an officer of the club
- Participate in any activity sponsored by the Club
- Support Ways and Means projects throughout the year
- Execute full voting privileges
To join after attending two general meetings as a prospective member,
Complete this form (please print clearly) and bring a $35.00 check, payable to Bridgewater Garden Club to next meeting.
*Bridgewater Garden Club
Membership Chair
Bridgewater, NJ 08807
BGC Membership Chairperson may be contacted by e-mail:
Please check the gardening topics of most interest:
____Growing Vegetables ____Growing Flowers ____Lawn Care
____Landscape Design ____Tree & Shrub Care ____Houseplants
____Container Gardening ____Floral Design /Arranging