Dear Garden Club Members,
I am honored to have been elected as President of the Bridgewater Garden Club. I look forward to working with all of you as we emerge from the Covid-19 pandemic. I am excited to return to in-person meetings, continue our pre-pandemic projects, and start new ones. I would like to thank Marie Sereno for her stellar leadership during the pandemic. Marie, your untiring energy and commitment to the club is unmatched. We thank you for all you have done.
Despite the pandemic, we continued our engagement with the community last year. We sponsored the Montgomery High School Environmental Club, which received a grant from the National Garden Club to start a pollinator garden. Our project at the Somerset County Adult Daycare Center won the GCNJ’s Edison Garden Club Trophy. The Day Trippers continued to sponsor trips to local gardens and events throughout the state for Club members to enjoy.
Our dedicated members continued to support our community through beautification projects at the Bridgewater Library, Richard Hall, the Therapy Garden at the Somerset County Adult Daycare Center, and the Cancer Support Center. Our Club continued granting achievement awards to Somerset County VoTech graduates interested in continuing their education in Horticulture or Landscaping.
Our Club has a 71-year-old tradition of service to the community. As the pandemic restrictions subside, we will continue to promote interest in all aspects of gardening and to beautify, protect, and preserve our environment. My goal this year is to return the Club’s participation in the community to where it was prior to the pandemic. Marie has planned some outstanding speakers for our general meeting and Karen Oldenburg and Arlene Dolegiewitz have arranged some fantastic day trips. Let’s enjoy outside!
I am thrilled to be able to meet in-person again, and I am positive that, with your involvement, we will have a wonderful 71st year.
Keep Blooming,
Sandra Rhue
President, 2022 through 2024